It is the same with objects like packages, procedures and functions. I'm looking for someone who's strong in PL/SQL programming and a. I recently moved an old database that was hosted in Oracle 10g database to a 18c pluggable database. If I rebuild a table, the indexes on that table will become invalid because they use the table's rowids and rebuilding the table changes a row's rowid. SQL & Administracin de bases de datos Projects for 30 - 50.
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Tags All_Dependencies Analysis Architecture Architecture Mistakes To Avoid Bad Software Bad Websites BIOS Business Analysis Business Requirements Cartesian Products Coursera cygwin Cypher Database Design Mistakes to Avoid DataPerfect Data Science dba_objects Design Discipline Dr.MUCK - Massively Unified Code-Key, Generic Three Table Data Model.Creating Connectivity Between R Studio & SQL Server 17.Overcoming Oracle Apps R12 FRM-92101 Error On Redhat Linux 5.5.objectname compile FROM dbaobjects WHERE. These are so simple, you shouldn’t have needed to search for it. SELECT alter DECODE (objecttype, PACKAGE BODY, PACKAGE, objecttype) owner. I’ve often used these scripts after refreshing a database. Script to generate the SQL commands needed to recompile invalid Oracle objects.ĭecode(object_type, ‘PACKAGE BODY’, ‘BODY’,”) ||’ ’ (‘PROCEDURE’,’FUNCTION’,’PACKAGE’,’PACKAGE BODY’,’TRIGGER’,’VIEW’) Where status = ‘INVALID’ and object_type in Some scripts that have been useful to me are:ĭecode(object_type, ‘PACKAGE BODY’, ‘PACKAGE’, object_type) || If these changes dont cause compilation failures the objects will be.

Then when the procedure is called, it will not run. Operations such as upgrades, patches and DDL changes can invalidate database objects. If a view becomes invalid, any other objects using that view, such as a procedure, also become invalid. One of the classic problems a DBA can have is invalid objects.