Here, we discuss the R code examples to see how the if statement works with the programs and outputs. This is a guide to If Else Statement in R. The if statement can have another if statement or even if – else inside it or and else can have inside another if-else statement, it is called nested if statement. The if-else if statement used to check the multiple conditions. An if-else statement, if cond is true, then all the statements inside the body are executed, else if the cond is false, then all statements inside the else body are executed. The cond is the condition that can be a numeric or logical vector. In if statement, if cond is true, then all the statements inside the body executed, else nothing will be executed (no output). The if-else statement is the conditional construct in which the sequence of execution of statements decides based on the condition. Print(" You have not entered a Character ") Print(" Entered character is lower case ") Program to check whether enter character is upper case letter or lower case letter. Program to accept the marks and display the code as if the mark is in between 100 and 80 then grade A, else if mark between 80 and 50 then B, else grade C. Next, we see some of the R program examples with the if-else statement first, we write the program to print the bigger no. So the output is displaying only the number is positive. For example, we take the no value as 6, so the no is positive. R code example where first it checks whether the no is positive or not and if the no is positive, it will check whether the no is even or not. The if statement can have another if statement or even if-else inside it it is called nested if statement and not only in if, the else part also can have nested if also nested if-else statement. Print(" Number is positive and less than 10 ") Print(" Number is positive and greater than 10 ") Among all condition, only one condition gets true, so only one statement gets to execute. The if statement checks the condition, but if more than one or alternative conditions are to check, the alternative conditions can be checked with else if statement. If not only one condition, if multiple conditions to be check and base on the specific condition the specific statement or statements to be executed, then the if-else if statement can be used. No 0) print(" Number is positive ") else print(" Number is Negative ") The above R code can be rewritten as a ternary operator R code example to see how the if-else statement works with no = -10 The R code example to see how the if-else statement works with no = 10 The Flow Diagram of the if-else statement The important note here is the else should be in the same line as the if statement closing braces.

If cond is true, then all the statements inside the body are executed else, if the cond is false, then all statements inside the else body are executed. In this python program, the first value of x is compared with 5 (x = 5) which does not satisfy the condition so next condition using elif statement (x = 9) is being executed which again dissatisfies the condition and moving to third elif block statement condition again is not satisfied so finally else block is executed printing the output 3.The above code checks whether the no is greater than zero if true, then print ” Number is positive, “else nothing.Īs in the above code, if the no is not greater than zero, nothing is performed, but if we need to perform or execute soothing, we can the else body.
Following example will illustrate how to use elif statement in python x = 10 "elif python statement" philosophy is like if the first condition is wrong, check the second condition, if the second condition is wrong, check the third one and so on. In the given python program, check whether the value of x is 5 or not, and since x does not equals to 5 else condition will be executed. The following example will illustrate how to use the if else statement in python x = 10 Python If else statement is used to execute either of two conditions. Try to execute this program, you will see an indentation error as space after if the block is not given. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). The following example will illustrate how to use an if statement in python x = 5 if x=5: if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression, and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. Python If statement is used to apply conditions. Indentation is must after if block or else block else program will throw an error. Conditional statements are used to take decisions in a program whether to execute the statement or not based on some target condition. If you are familiar with programming languages like C, C++ or Java you might have heard about conditional statements.